Wednesday, November 07, 2007

grid typeface

The last type meeting at Leeds Met was good. We started to generate some interesting type faces with the grid paper. It would be great if these could be developed further and at the next meeting we could discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the work. I hope some of you might try and draw these up in illustrator for further experimentation.

I suggested to Chris Goodwin that we could use these new type faces within a poster design, It’s important to see your type functioning to see if it actually works. After the Rome/Lisbon trip I’ll be presenting two layout/grid seminars, I hope you’ll all try and catch them.

For the person who was drawing the block type, sorry can’t remember your name, have a look at the 'Block Up' typeface. It was designed by Sally Ann Grover in 1974 for Letraset. Here is a link to a digitised version There is also an artist called Paul Noble who has used it within some large scale drawings.

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